Bloke Bingo - Good Robot Bloke Bingo - Evil Robot

Who we are and what we do!

We are a bunch of bingo playing blokes and we give away free stuff, including iPods, DVD's and even computer consoles!

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We love to game, oh yes!

Here are Bloke Bingo, we love to play games. Check out our sections on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC and Wii for all the latest news! is probably the best place to buy your games, it's cheap, bloomin quick and has free postage. Can't ask for better really!

Who needs sleep? ... Robots don't! :D

Which Browser?

There can be only one…

Bloke Bingo can only really recommend one browser and that is Firefox.  We have been using Firefox here for a couple of years and it’s improved our browsing experience no end.  Not only does it improve the loading of pages, tab and favourite management but is much much safer as well!

With even the latest versions of Internet Explorer being in the news because of its security holes we certainly see no reason not to switch.  It will even import all your IE favorates automatically.

Get Firefox.

Why Firefox?

Those of you familiar to the Firefox website will recognise the following paragraphs but who can explain it better than those that made it?

New Features

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox 3 sets the pace with dozens of new features, including the smart location bar, one-click bookmarking and blindingly fast performance.

View the top new features.

The Safest Web Browser

Simply put, your online security is our top priority. Firefox includes strict anti-phishing and anti-malware measures, plus easy ways to tell the good guys from the bad like our new one-click site ID info. And, thanks to our open source process we have thousands of security experts around the globe working around the clock to keep you (and your personal information) safe.

View all security features.


In the end, it’s all about you being able to do what you need to do on the Web. And with features like built-in spell checking, session restore and full zoom, nobody makes it easier, helps you work better or saves you more time than Firefox.

View all productivity features.


Everybody uses the Web differently, so why should your browser be exactly like the next guy’s? Whether you’re into chatting, playing poker, cooking or coding, Firefox has more than 5,000 add-ons to help you customize it to fit your exact needs.

View all customization features.

Why it beats IE

We’ve told you about what makes Firefox great, but how do we compare against Internet Explorer? Check out our handy browser comparison chart to see for yourself.

  • Compatible with modern Web pages and technologies
    Firefox (Yes) - IE - (Yes)
  • Active security features and the industry’s fastest response times
    Firefox (Yes) - IE - (No)
  • Thousands of free ways to personalize your online experience
    Firefox (Yes) - IE - (No)
  • Superior speed and performance
    Firefox (Yes) - IE - (No)
  • 100% free and open source software
    Firefox (Yes) - IE - (No)


We obviously don’t recommend you use Internet Explorer, that would be a disaster but there are a few other browsers out there if you don’t like the look of Firefox for some reason.

Google Chrome

A name we all love and trust, Google!  Well they have finally released a web browser and we must say it’s not bad at all.  It’s very quick at rendering web pages and have a gorgeous tabbing system.  It doesn’t seem to work too well full screen on a dual monitor system and does take a little getting used to but not bad, not bad at all.

Get Google Chrome.


Those of you with Macs will be well used to Safari which is a browser that has come on leaps and bounds.  Its very sturdy, looks very pretty (if you like Macs) and just works damn well.  Worth a try if you like Mac like interfaces!

Get Safari.


A browser not many people will have heard of but we came across it because of the wonderful Opera Mini, a neat version of the Opera browser for mobile phones (works really well on Mikey’s Nokia 6120c!).  In essence pages render a lot like Firefox and Opera has some nice features including mouse gestures, speed dial, quick find and an RSS preview.  If you like the sound of this and have tried the others above it’s definitely recommended.

Get Opera.